The ANZAC Experience

The significant contribution made by the ANZAC troops throughout the Great War, will never be forgotten, the battlefields from Gallipoli to France and Flanders are stained with the blood of over 70,000 killed and nearly 200,000 ANZAC wounded.

Their sacrifice, still remembered today with a tear and immense gratitude, is clearly evident in the towns and cities which are synonymous with their heroic actions.

We offer 1, 2, 3 & 4 day tours, covering the ANZAC actions, understanding the significance of their actions within the overall battle plans, walking the ground they fought over whilst experiencing the topography of this rolling countryside.

We specialise, in bespoke fully researched ANZAC tours which allow you to follow in the footsteps of your ancestors, follow their actions with the use of the original war diaries written by the officers on the ground at the time, in conjunction with original trench maps.

Or, if you just want visit the places that you have read about, we offer a number of other ANZAC tours to suit everyone which include -

1 day tours of Villers - Bretonneux & the Somme, Messines & Ypres, the 3rd battle of Passchendaele, Bullecourt & Fromelles, plus much, much more.

2 day tours offer you the choice of combining any 2 of the 1 day tours to suit your requirements.

The 3 & 4 day tours cover all of the areas listed above and more dependent on your schedule and requirements.

These tours are all inclusive, all transport (during the tour), accommodation for the 2, 3 & 4 day tours, breakfast, lunches and evening meals including drinks, free collection from any of our collection points, snacks throughout the tour and a guide/host for the tour are included in the price.

We have collection points in Lille, Ypres and the Somme, collection or transport from other locations can be arranged at a cost only basis, we do not charge a booking fee for this service. Alternatively you may want to bring your own car and discover the delights of Northern France on the way.

Price: 1 Day £150 per Person Limited to 6 people

Price: 2 Day £500 per Person Limited to 6 people

Price: 3 Day £700 per Person Limited to 6 people

Price: 4 Day £900 per Person Limited to 6 people

Please call or complete an enquiry form with your requirements, for a quotation or any questions you may have.

Buried at Dartmoor cemetery are a father and son, who lie side by side in Plot 1 Row A. They are 44 year old Sergeant George Lee and 19 year old Corporal Robert Lee. Both served with 'A' Battery of the 156th Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery, and both died in the same incident on the 5th of September 1916.

Father and son