Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

You only get out what you put in

That sounds great, but what does it mean?

Simply, we will put 110% into ensuring that you have the break or tour that you planned, imagined and dreamed of.

No matter how large our business is or how busy we are, one of us will be there when you arrive for breakfast or say goodnight as you climb the stairs and retire to your room for that well earned nights sleep.

We pride ourselves on delivering a good quality, value for money experience with flexibility built in.

Everybody understands good quality and value for money but why flexibility?

We understand that everyone is different and requirements vary, if we all liked the same things, life would be boring, so we strive to be as flexible as possible to ensure that everyone has their perfect break.

"Right or wrong, the customer is always right."

Marshall Field - American department-store owner whose pioneering activities in retail merchandising were continued and extended into publishing by successive generations of his family.

Brazil declared war on Germany on the 26th October 1917

Brazil declared war